Sunday, January 30, 2011

Everyone Manifests


- to show plainly; to make to appear distinctly, -- usually to the mind; to put beyond question or doubt; to display; to exhibit

Look around you, everything you see began as a thought in someone's mind, as I exampled previously in my 'introduction' blog, the chair you sit on, the bed you sleep in, the house you live in. The car you drive. The clothes you wear. the television you watch. First, a thought. Then, a thing brought forward out of nothing. There it is. Everything begins as a thought.
    Now the verb for turning thoughts into things is to manifest. The idea of manifesting something is to metaphorically speaking reach your hand through a invisible curtain separating the tangible world or reality from the world of imagination and pull your desired object into existence.

First, you think it, then you manifest it. You "materialise" it. You cause it to appear.
    Everyone manifests. Some people manifest in abundance. Others lack manifest. The question you should ask yourself if you don't have what you want is "How did i manifest this?" examine your thoughts.

You are the fruit of the thoughts you have planted and nourished/grown in your mind. If you want better harvest in your mind you must plant better thoughts. Simply put a apple seed will not produce a peach tree, poor thoughts will not produce quality.
   Like a acorn becomes a oak tree, the thoughts in your mind become your reality.

Thoughts are things and every thought has a consequence. No thought lives in your brain unattached and each thought is a pebble dropped into your life pond. Drop a pebble in a pond and you will get ripples, these ripples are real, in essence its the minds own "butterfly effect". Remember creating tiny movements in your thoughts and actions and getting this as close to perfect as possible in your first 15% of any process and then it will be impossible for that outcome not to be successful The more intense the thought, the more powerful the outcome. An angry thought gets picked up like a radio wave, people can sense it. Your whole aura around becomes infected. We have to disperse such thoughts.

Instead, think intensely positive thoughts. Grow enthusiastic images, don't underestimate the power of visualisation. For someone like me my manifestation would be of visualisation with football.     

-Visualisation is a practice by which you can deliberately change the way you feel, your level of autonomic arousal, and your behaviour.

-This is a creative visualisation for the purposes of relaxation. However, visualisation can also be used to improve performance, reduce fears and phobias

For someone else it could be manifesting that idea or creation that yields wealth, being an entrepreneur of there on minds. Now speak only wonderful words to yourself, constantly. This will colour the view of the world from your eyes and you will begin to attract the resources needed to manifest the world you desire.

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